The Sardinian oil is intense-fruity, rustic with tart, bitter notes and possesses notes of green tomatoes, artichokes and unripe almonds and nutshells. Very good with orange carpaccio and green bean salad.
Additional information about the product
Olio extra virgin Sardegna DOP, Riserva, extra virgin olive oil, intensely fruity, Accademia Olearia
item number
500 ml
Date of minimum durability
Last date of minimum durability: 31.05.2026 Up to Ø 506 days from date of shipment.
Accademia Olearia s.r.l., Via De Muro s7n, 07041 Alghero, IT
produced in the country | ISO
Italien | IT
extra virgin olive oil 100%
Nutritional table (19895)
per 100g / 100ml
Calorific value
3390 kJ / 824 kcal
91,6 g
saturated fatty acids
15 g
Allergy Advice about the product (contain allergens) (19895) Allergens in the ingredients if necessary bold listed. Or no allergens exist or they have not been communicated to us by the manufacturer / supplier.