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The Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale from Reggio Emilia pampers the palate with its complex character and harmonious fullness. The must, which comes exclusively from the region`s DOC vines, rests in old casks made of chestnut, oak, cherry, acacia, juniper and ash wood. We offer the Tradizionale in three maturity levels: 12 years (aragosta), 15 years (argento) or 25 years (oro).
Additional information about the product
Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale DOP Argento, balsamic vinegar DOP from Reggio Emilia, at least 15 years, Il Borgo del Balsamico
Allergy Advice about the product (contain allergens) (19981) Allergens in the ingredients if necessary bold listed. Or no allergens exist or they have not been communicated to us by the manufacturer / supplier.