Capperi sotto sale, capers in sea salt, Cascina San Giovanni - 80 g - Glass

Capperi sotto sale, capers in sea salt, Cascina San Giovanni

selection | Content (weighed) | Packaging | Price EUR
(Price / unit) | (fertility)
Availability | date of minimum durability
item number: 20087
80 g Glass
€ 6,38 *
(€ 79,75 / kg)
PU-purchase 12 x 80 g Glass to each   € 6,19 *
Last date of minimum durability: 21.06.2026    Up to Ø 477 days from date of shipment.  ?

Small capers in salt. In this way, their taste and aroma are fully preserved. There is no better preservation method. Water well and for a long time before use. Ideal for raw tartare, vitello tonnato and very German, also for Königsberger Klopse, which incidentally also traditionally contain anchovies. The small capers are particularly tasty in their compactness and set accents.

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