In ceramic pot with measuring spoon, Fleur de Sel, Sal de Ibiza - 150 g - Piece

In ceramic pot with measuring spoon, Fleur de Sel, Sal de Ibiza

selection | Content (weighed) | Packaging | Price EUR
(Price / unit) | (fertility)
Availability | date of minimum durability
item number: 20591
150 g Piece
€ 14,89 *
(€ 99,27 / kg)
PU-purchase 6 x 150 g Piece to each   € 14,44 *
Last date of minimum durability: 31.01.2030    Up to Ø 1776 days from date of shipment.  ?

The Fleur de Sel is obtained in the nature reserves of Saline of Ibiza. The small fragile crystals form only with a lot of sun, low humidity and steady winds. They are unique in texture and taste and contain over 80 vital minerals and trace elements. It is a particularly mild salt. With Dosierlöffelchen.

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