The salt commonly used today is almost 100% pure sodium chloride (NaCl), a chemical to which other substances are added for flowability, lightening and iodization. Pakistani crystal salt and sea salt are salts as they occur in nature, and our bodies have learned to utilize them over the course of evolution. This fact makes salt so valuable for our body, which can only function optimally if there is enough salt present.
Rock table salt. Rock salt - pink chunks. For brine, use approx. 300 g per liter. Make brine: Put approx. 300 g of salt chunks in a sealable jar, fill with 1 liter of water and close. Then you wait until the salt has dissolved. A remainder of the salt should still remain undissolved on the bottom of the glass, because only then is it a saturated (26% solution). Store in a cool, dry place and protected from light.
Properties: No nutritional values need to be provided.
Allergy Advice about the product (contain allergens) (12196) Traces: Gluten Traces: Eggs Traces: Peanuts Traces: Milk Traces: Nuts Traces: Soybeans