Antonio Viani Importe GmbH, August-Spindler-Str. 12, 37079 Göttingen
produced in the country | ISO
Italien | IT
Sugar, hazelnut kernels , almonds , egg white , natural vanilla flavor, may contain traces of other nuts, soy, milk and gluten fat : potentially allergenic substance
Nutritional table (34369)
per 100g / 100ml
Calorific value
1752 kJ / 419 kcal
24 g
saturated fatty acids
3 g
51 g
of which sugars
44 g
8 g
0,03 g
Allergy Advice about the product (contain allergens) (34369) Allergens in the ingredients if necessary bold listed. Or no allergens exist or they have not been communicated to us by the manufacturer / supplier.