Strawberry, rose and jasmine form a lively combination with green teas. They symbolize the hustle and bustle on the Ponte Vecchio in Florence with their diverse smells and impressions. A sweet, delicate tea with floral notes.
Additional information about the product
Appuntamento sul Ponte Vecchio, green tea with strawberries and a mixture of flowers, La Via del Tè
Snak srl, Via Ponte a lozzi 8 / 1, 50023 Impruneta (FI), IT
produced in the country | ISO
Italien | IT
Green tea Bancha 50%, green tea 39%, aromas, pear, rose buds, strawberries, marigold flowers, jasmine flowers, may contain traces of nuts
Allergy Advice about the product (contain allergens) (35104) Allergens in the ingredients if necessary bold listed. Or no allergens exist or they have not been communicated to us by the manufacturer / supplier.