Quick Greens - Golden Sauerkraut (fermented white cabbage with turmeric) - 300g - bag

Quick Greens - Golden Sauerkraut (fermented white cabbage with turmeric)

cooled product 0 ° C to + 7 ° C
selection | Content (weighed) | Packaging | Price EUR
(Price / unit) | (fertility)
Availability | date of minimum durability
item number: 35872
300g (200)  bag
€ 7,06 *
(€ 35,30 / kg)
Up to Ø 302 days from date of shipment.  ?

The golden sauerkraut. Now shines with the new royal combination of turmeric and cumin in German and Asian cuisine. As a refreshingly hot topping for pumpkin soup or as a natural flavor enhancer for curries.

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