Here you will find all information about the payment methods which GOURMET VERSAND offers. All available payment methods are explained with explanations for you.
Here you will find all information about the shipping methods which GOURMET VERSAND offers. All available shipping methods are explained with explanations for you.
Here you will find all information about the packages that are used for the transportation of our products to you.
Here are all the ways to contact GOURMET VERSAND. E-mail, phone or postal address listed for you.
Our general terms and conditions are here. These contain our terms and conditions which GOURMET VERSAND sells the products.
Here you can find all information governing the handling of your personal data at GOURMET VERSAND.
Here you can sign up as a private client at GOURMET VERSAND.
Here you can sign up as a major customer in GOURMET VERSAND.
Here you will find very important information about the handling of the MHD (Best-by date) at GOURMET VERSAND.
Here you will find a statement on the handling of weight products in our webshop.
Frequently Asked Questions, FAQ short, English for frequently asked questions of GOURMET VERSAND, you will find here.
GOURMET VERSAND is BIO certified since 2011. All information and certification as a PDF you will find here.
The bonus program for regular customers of GOURMET VERSAND, which can save up to 10% on every purchase, you will find here.
Here you can receive the newsletter of GOURMET VERSAND. With this, you get the latest information about products and campaigns.
Here you will find all information required by the publications website from GOURMET VERSAND.
Here you can find all information on how to revoke an order.