Black cumin / onion seeds / nigella - 1 kg - bag

Black cumin / onion seeds / nigella

selection | Content (weighed) | Packaging | Price EUR
(Price / unit) | (fertility)
Availability | date of minimum durability
item number: 10414
1 kg bag
€ 27,82 *
(€ 27,82 / kg)
PU-purchase 20 x 1 kg bag to each   € 26,99 *
Last date of minimum durability: 17.09.2026    Up to Ø 708 days from date of shipment.  ?

Black cumin comes from the Latin name Nigella and is originally from Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Today it is mainly cultivated in India. The small black seeds taste slightly resinous, a little like oregano. Black cumin, also known as onion seeds, is used to season vegetable dishes (especially eggplant), legumes, salads and poultry. It is better to mortar the seeds instead of grinding them. The seeds are also used to sprinkle Turkish bread. In Germany, Nigella is known as a maiden in the countryside.

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