Best, flawless raspberries, frozen whole fruit. A pleasure in the aroma, a visual highlight for dessert decorations. The typical perfect Boiron quality!
Additional information about the product
Raspberries all the way, Boiron
item number
500 g
Date of minimum durability
Last date of minimum durability: 10.7.2025 Up to Ø 602 days from date of shipment.
BOIRON FRERES SAS, 1 rue Brillat Savarin, 26300 Chateauneuf-sur-Isere, Frankreich.
produced in the country | ISO
Frankreich | FR
Raspberries, whole, frozen. Raspberries. Store at -18 ° C or lower. Do not refreeze after thawing and use quickly. Origin: France.
Properties: No nutritional values need to be given.
Allergy Advice about the product (contain allergens) (16618) Allergens in the ingredients if necessary bold listed. Or no allergens exist or they have not been communicated to us by the manufacturer / supplier.