Violet flowering lavender shrubs, on dry limestone soils, spoiled by Mediterranean sunshine, are characteristic of Provence. In the bee colony, the famous lavender honey is produced by fermentation and frequent fanning out of the nectar. This is characterized by its firm consistency and its unique full-flowered aroma.
Additional information about the product
Lavender honey, France, white, creamy, full-bodied, portioned Beekeeping Feldt
item number
50 g
Date of minimum durability
Last date of minimum durability: 13.02.2026 Up to Ø 426 days from date of shipment.
Bee honey, premium quality. Lavender honey. The honey is unmixed and not filtered, matured in the honeycomb and comes from selected costume regions. It is gently stored and bottled, while the natural beekeeping temperature is not exceeded (cold-thrown). Origin: France.
Properties: No nutritional values need to be given.
Allergy Advice about the product (contain allergens) (17528) Allergens in the ingredients if necessary bold listed. Or no allergens exist or they have not been communicated to us by the manufacturer / supplier.