Xantan (Xanthan), Texturas Ferran Adria, E 415 - 600 g - can

Xantan (Xanthan), Texturas Ferran Adria, E 415

selection | Content (weighed) | Packaging | Price EUR
(Price / unit) | (fertility)
Availability | date of minimum durability
item number: 17833
600 g can
€ 79,68 *
(€ 132,80 / kg)
PU-purchase 24 x 600 g can to each   € 77,29 *
Last date of minimum durability: 30.06.2027    Up to Ø 901 days from date of shipment.  ?

Xantana is obtained by fermenting cornstarch with a type of bacteria found in cabbage. The texturizer has a high thickening power and has the considerable property in heterogeneous mixtures of small solids, such as fibers and pieces as well as gas particles in the liquid to suspend. Xantana is cold and warm max. up to 50 ° C and does not lose its thickening properties even if the preparation is tempered. Application: Stir vigorously or gently with gentle movements until the powder absorbs the moisture by itself. Can also be prepared with water or other flavoring liquids.

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