Pasta sauces from Don Antonio from Abruzzo

Tomato sauce made in Abruzzo. Authentic and genuine in taste

Pasta sauces from Don Antonio from Abruzzo Casina Rossa is a family-run farm in Abruzzo that specializes in the production of local specialties such as Sugo di Pomodoro, antipasti, pate and more.
Pasta sauces from Don Antonio from Abruzzo Tomato sauce made in Abruzzo. Authentic and genuine in taste

Casina Rossa is a family-run farm in Abruzzo that specializes in the production of local specialties such as Sugo di Pomodoro, antipasti, pate and more.

  • Pasta sauces with tradition from Don Antonio and Donna Antonia

    Don Antonio was a farmer in 1960. He was also a passionate cook who always used his produce to create delicious dishes for his family. Antonio loves traditional Italian cuisine - and his family - and is always developing new ideas on how to not only preserve his vegetables but also make them taste great.
    At some point, Donna Antonia began to market the products - among her friends, at the weekly market in Roccascalegna and Chieti, in local shops - and soon everyone in the area knew about the De Laurentiis family`s extra virgin olive oil and jarred vegetables.

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  • Pasta sauces with tradition from Don Antonio and Donna Antonia

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  • Pasta sauces with tradition from Don Antonio and Donna Antonia

    New generation and development

    His son Nicola, who took over the family business in 1999, continues the tradition together with his wife Paola, their two sons Marco and Andrea, and his parents. They developed new ways to improve and increase production. Little by little, new buyers were found for the products. Specialty retailers from Australia, Europe, the USA, Switzerland and Japan were interested in sauces and antipasti.
    Thanks to the steadily increasing demand, a new production hall was built in 2018 specifically for the popular Sughi Don Antonio. The raw materials warehouse has also been expanded in the meantime. This means we are better prepared for economic supply bottlenecks. The development shows that we must continue to expect rising purchasing prices for raw materials, longer waiting times and increasing planning costs.

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