Asian spices, flavors (various)

Diverse preparation of Asian dishes

Asian spices, flavors (various) Here you will find a large selection of Asian spice pastes and spice mixtures.
Asian spices, flavors (various) Diverse preparation of Asian dishes

Here you will find a large selection of Asian spice pastes and spice mixtures.

  • The Asian cuisine

    Diverse and healthy

    The Asian cuisine is very healthy due to its vitamin-sparing preparation. The dishes use lots of fresh vegetables and plenty of fish. And also the high-fiber soy products score in the healthy preparation. In addition, the Asians usually only have their wok in which they fry, cook, stew, deep-fry or even stew. The ingredients from the Asian kitchen that you should have for home cooking include rice, Asian noodles, soy sauce, curry pastes, coconut milk, lemongrass and ginger. There are no limits to the preparation. Whether in salads, soups or from the wok, the asieatische cuisine is very varied and enjoyable. You can re-vary every Asian dish, which results in unbelievable taste nuances. Enjoy the spices, herbs and ingredients that give the Asian cuisine a wealth of flavors. Discover this delicious variety from the range at GOURMET VERSAND.

  • The Asian cuisine

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  • Indian cuisine

    Indian food can also be described as a feast for the senses. The multi-faceted, seasoned dishes are traditionally served on the thali, which is a metal tray with small bowls containing different dishes. The various vegetarian curries are characteristic of Indian cuisine. Depending on the region and religion, but also because of the poverty in the country, people avoid meat. In India, the main sources of protein are dairy products and legumes. The curries are very varied thanks to a variety of spices, such as coriander, turmeric, cardamom or cumin. Rice and wheat also serve as the main components of the diet. The latter is often made into flatbread. Other types of bread include chapati, naan or fried puri. The curries we enjoy here are adjusted in terms of spiciness. In warmer countries the spiciness has a disinfecting effect. Because only a few pathogens can multiply or even survive in spicy dishes. Furthermore, the spiciness preserves the food used. Spicy food is extremely tasty and healthy.

  • Refined combinations

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