Olive oil from France

Olive oil from France - Extra Vierge Alziari
- Extra virgin, from Cailletier
- Extra virgin, from ALOlivier
- Olive oil, by Jean Marie Cornille
Olive oil from France

- Extra Vierge Alziari
- Extra virgin, from Cailletier
- Extra virgin, from ALOlivier
- Olive oil, by Jean Marie Cornille

  • Alziari olive oil

    Oil from France

    1868 decided Nicolas Alziari to build an oil mill in Nice. He acquired a good reputation until he sought the face of competition for a unique selling point. Modeled his idea were quality wines. To Nice around then grew almost exclusively olives Cailletier variety. He now sought throughout Europe olives, which would result in a Grand Cru oil in an assemblage. From the experiments, a mixture that is almost unchanged to this day and a large trade secret was. Therefore, only the statement, are pressed olives from Nice exist.

    Sister Pauline Alziari Opened in 1920, the first shop in Old Nice and sold the oil there from barrels, the second followed 16 years later in existence today address rue St Francois de Paule at the flower market. The big step on the international market was then introduced until of 2005. Family Alziari bought olive groves, established a manufactory for delicatessen a modernized the mill and increased production of olive oil.

    The olives are still ground between heavy granite stones, the cold extraction is carried out by a traditional system through the addition of water and subsequent separation of the oil by centrifugation. Part of olives comes from their own groves, a large part of buying local farmers from. In addition to its quality oils pierce through the colorful, charming bottling produced in metal canisters which have a high recognition value. Today the oil mill Nicolas Alziari is the only surviving mill of Nice.

    copyright text: viani.de
  • Alziari olive oil, oil from France

    copyright photo: viani.de
  • Olive oil from France

    France`s best-known variety, with its fruity-tasting olive oil, is Picholine. This variety is grown in the south of France, west of Montpellier. A very strong and strong olive oil is obtained from the Aglandau variety, which is cultivated in the Marseille area. The Tanche variety, which is characterized by its mild taste with light almond aromas, thrives in the northernmost area around Nyons. France introduced an official designation of origin that certifies the quality, varietal purity and origin of olive oils at the end of the 1990s. The Privinces of Nyons, Vallee des Baux de Provence, Aix-en Provence and Haute Provence produce the best olive oils in France.

  • Alziari olive oil - oil from France