Soy sauces

Soy sauces For seasoning and refining dishes. Available in light and dark.

For seasoning and refining dishes. Available in light and dark.

  • History of soy sauce

    People in the Eastern and Western worlds have been searching for better ways to preserve food for centuries. Through experience, they discover that using salt not only preserves taste, but improves it.
    In ancient China, preserved foods and their condiments were known as jiang - perhaps the precursor to what we know today as soy sauce. Different types of jiang were made from meat, seafood, vegetables and grains. Of these ingredients, grain was the most readily available and easier to process, so jiang, made from soybeans and wheat, developed more quickly. The process of making this grain jiang eventually spread from China to Japan and other neighboring countries. Today`s soy sauce is said to come from this spice.
    In the middle of the 17th century, the process of making naturally brewed soy sauce was introduced here, which spread throughout the country.

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  • Kikkoman soy sauces

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