Rice - risotto

Rice - risotto Aquarello, risotto short grain rice, Carnaroli, Vialone Nano, risotto from Feron, etc.
Rice - risotto

Aquarello, risotto short grain rice, Carnaroli, Vialone Nano, risotto from Feron, etc.

  • risotto rice

    Riseria Modenese, Emilia Romagna.

    The Arborio is a short grain rice that absorbs a lot of moisture and is suitable for creamy risottos. The Carnaroli hand, has an elongated grain and is used for dry risotto.

    copyright text: viani.de
  • risotto rice

    Melotti, Veneto.

    Located in the historic wine-growing region near Verona family Melotti processed 200 hectares of rice fields. There the variety Vialone Nano is located. The rounded grains remain after cooking dente beautiful. A special feature: as Novello is called a rice which belongs to the first harvest after the three-year regeneration of the field.

    copyright text: viani.de