Herbacuisine Basic Texture Citrus Fibers and Basic Products

Lemon fiber as a binding agent

Herbacuisine Basic Texture Citrus Fibers and Basic Products Herbacuisine is a global provider of high-quality raw materials of plant origin based in Werder / Havel (Brandenburg). Since we were founded in 1980, we have created a significant market position in the areas of fiber from fruits and sweetening, coloring and flavoring apple extracts. Herbafood has increasingly made the development of convincing and natural basic products for upscale gastronomy its task. That`s why Herbacuisine`s research department has been working with top chefs for years.
Herbacuisine Basic Texture Citrus Fibers and Basic Products Lemon fiber as a binding agent

Herbacuisine is a global provider of high-quality raw materials of plant origin based in Werder / Havel (Brandenburg). Since we were founded in 1980, we have created a significant market position in the areas of fiber from fruits and sweetening, coloring and flavoring apple extracts. Herbafood has increasingly made the development of convincing and natural basic products for upscale gastronomy its task. That`s why Herbacuisine`s research department has been working with top chefs for years.

  • What is BASIC texture?

    Herbacuisine Basic citrus fibers

    BASIC texture consists of water and citrus fibers *

    * The pulp of the lemon which consists of juice filled small bags (juice sacs) is surrounded by a sponge-like white layer (also called albedo). This inner layer of the lemon contains, as well as the juice sacs fiber - the citrus fibers. To attract them, the lemons are freshly harvested juiced, de-oiled and dried gently.

    The texture of nature
    BASIC texture is a pure vegetable texturizer and versatile. It is suitable for color and flavourless Konsistenzgebung. In addition to the broad field of application and the natural flavor preservation is the most outstanding feature of BASIC textur easy handling.

    copyright text: herbacuisine.de
  • Herbacuisine Basic Texture Citrus Fibers and Basic Products

    copyright photo: herbacuisine.de
  • Tips for Herbacuisine Basic Texture Citrus Fibers

    BASIC textur impresses with its easy handling. You can decide the taste and texture yourself. BASIC textur can be easily stirred or mixed cold and hot. The consistency arises immediately. It
    does not swell. Boiling is not necessary.

    BASIC textur is ideal for creating a natural consistency in soups. BASIC textur increases the mouthfeel and gives a particularly light texture. By adding BASIC texture you can very
    Simply prepare soup foams with the iSi Gourmet Whip. You can avoid using flour, starch or dairy products.

    Thanks to BASIC texture, the dressing sticks to the salad and the service life of the dressed salad is extended. Avoid air penetration by leaving the blender at the bottom of the measuring cup. You can extend the shelf life of your dressing by vacuum sealing or boiling. You can also stabilize your chutneys, pestos and dips with BASIC texture.

    Pre-produce your base foams and vacuum seal them. If necessary, the foams can be refined. BASIC textur is suitable for the production of savory and sweet, as well as warm and cold foams. The foams are up to 20% vol. alcohol stable.

    Stir BASIC textur into the cold and warm sauce. The consistency is instantaneous and does not swell. By using BASIC textur, a significant reduction in calories is possible. With BASIC texture that is
    Emulsification and heating of high-quality oils and fats possible.

    Use BASIC textur for emulsifier-free ice cream and sorbet mixtures. Be creative and caramelize or gratinate your ice cream thanks to the delayed melting effect. You can also serve a hearty ice cream or sorbet with the soup, e.g. B. roasted pepper ice cream or wasabi sorbet.

    copyright text: herbacuisine.de