Canned vegetables from Primopasto from Italy

Canned vegetables from Primopasto from Italy

Olives, onions, mushrooms, artichokes, etc.

  • olives

    Primopasto, Italy.

    We love antipasti and all the best, what you can uncomplicated snacking on wine and beer on the side. So we have created the line Primopasto to their own taste. This is first and foremost for each olive
    Taste, the spicy chocolates from Italy lovers.

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  • Sun-dried tomatoes

    Primopasto, Italy.

    The best method to compress the flavor of tomatoes. For the kitchen and the Antipastiteller.

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  • Pickles, varied Mediterranean

    Primopasto, Italy.

    These preserves are produced by hand. The grilled specialties such as mushrooms, artichokes, peppers and onions are carefully turned on a charcoal grill until they have an appetizing smoke flavor. The Peperonata is finely seasoned and mixed vegetables taste like mom.

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