Salty snacks and snacks

Crunchy savory biscuits for your cheese platter
or simply with a glass of wine

Salty snacks and snacks
  • Savory Snacks All Italia

    Bontà Lucane, Basilicata.

    The dry, crisp savory biscuits from southern Italy is very authentic. It is simple and delicious, perfect for wine.

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  • Savory Snacks All Italia

    Viani, Italy.

    Here one thinks of the same relaxed aperitif, a beer or glass of wine with friends, when you bite into the crumbly, crunchy Quadrotti with Italian flavors. Uncomplicated and authentic they are pleasant companions towards the end of a day. Tarallini are so original that they necessarily belong in this line.

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  • Fine savory biscuits from Bonta Lucane

    For more than thirty years, Bonta Lucane has been producing savory baking specialties appreciated by hundreds of customers around the world, for which we maintain unchanged the dosages and ingredients handed down from previous generations, without the use of preservatives and / or additives.
    The company`s origins are closely linked to the Moliterni family. Nonna Maria, the grandmother of Mr. Paolo Moliterni, the current CEO, ran a small bakery in the heart of the old town called Sassi, where she got up at dawn to knead focaccia and bread for the farmers and shepherds who would be from everything, the day in the fields. Only a few simple ingredients were needed: flour, water, salt, extra virgin olive oil, yeast for the base and tomatoes and herbs for seasoning.

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  • Fine savory biscuits from Bonta Lucane

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  • Cheese pastry of Fine Cheese Company, Somerset

    Toast for Cheese.

    From such a document, everyone dreams cheese. The toasts are generously provided with nuts, fruits and seeds.

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  • Piadine and bruschette

    Vincenzi, Veneto.

    Ideal for the surprise visit: bag on a cream or tomato on it - done.

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  • Cheese pastry of Fine Cheese Company, Somerset

    Cheese crackers.

    Packaged in charming bags are the crackers were baked with various cheeses. What is missing is the right drink.

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