Olives from El Faro

from FAROLIVA SL from Spain
The famous El Faro olives refined in different versions.

Olives from El Faro FAROLIVA is a company specializing in the production, distribution and sale of table olives and pickled olives of the El Faro brand, with more than half a century of experience in this sector.
Olives from El Faro from FAROLIVA SL from Spain<br />The famous El Faro olives refined in different versions.

FAROLIVA is a company specializing in the production, distribution and sale of table olives and pickled olives of the El Faro brand, with more than half a century of experience in this sector.

  • Olives from El Faro

    Manufacturer FAROLIVA SL from Spain

    FAROLIVA SL is a company specializing in the manufacture, distribution and marketing of El Faro olives and cucumbers. With the industry experience which goes back over half a century.

    Trraditioneller taste and craftsmanship can draw El Faro from olives. These are the two basic characteristics, which we remain loyal and which we define ourselves simultaneously.
    El Faro Olives FAROLIVA SL have become a benchmark in the industry. Not only at the national level, but the quality of our products has exceeded limits and has more
    reaches 40 countries. So different places such as Canada, the US, Russia, Japan, the Philippines and the United Arab Emirates are just a small selection of the great geographical conquest where
    El Faro Olives are available.

    The Unternemen FAROLIVA SL is a family business that was founded by a visionary. He began life in a small box which was covered with citrus trees and has managed it, to grow olive trees. His followers, the pass on the wisdom and experience of many decades of hard work.
    The secret, are high quality raw materials and in the manufacture of technical craftsmanship and knowledge from many years crop is used.
    Today the FAROLIVA Family with El Faro Olives has reached a crop area of over 25,000 square meters.

    El Faro Olives there were the first which were filled with anchovies and marketed.

    Today FAROLIVA SL has a capacity of greater than 5,000,000 kg per year olives and a packing volume of more than 10 million kilograms per year.

    copyright text: faroliva.com
  • Olives from El Faro

    copyright photo: faroliva.com