Ice cream, sorbet and desserts frozen and chilled

Various types of ice cream, sorbet and desserts
Not only a pleasure in summer

Ice cream, sorbet and desserts frozen and chilled
  • Cream Ice Cream

    Different types of ice cream with the best ingredients

    That which defines passion and love. Everything in our ice cream. Cream ice cream.
    Yes, the idea of cream ice cream dates back a few years. To be precise, in Kaspar`s childhood. Ice cream has been his passion since he was a child, and he was able to live it out as a cook and pastry chef in many restaurants around the world, from Australia to Singapore to England and other countries. But his home is Wuppertal. A kid from the neighborhood. And so in 2015 he began to implement his idea of ice cream in his own four walls on the Platz der Republik in Wuppertal.

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  • Cream Ice Cream

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  • Dr. Steinhagen - The Dessert Company

    Sorbets - with fruits from all over the world

    We have been processing and selling fruit and fruit purees from all over the world for over 40 years. We are active in the frozen food sector. We were the first to bring frozen, peeled chestnuts from Italy and puree de marrons from Switzerland to the German market. Today we offer more than 200 tasty treats for desserts and for further processing. We make sorbets in the traditional way. Our sorbets consist exclusively of plant-based ingredients: fruit, sugar and emulsifiers such as carob or pectin. Of course, some sorbets, such as those made from champagne, also contain alcohol. We use very rare local wild produce such as barberries, provided there is a good harvest year in local forests. For many recipes we have herbs and flavors in our garden in front of the company.
    We have been making classic sorbets for 30 years in the traditional way. Our sorbets are made from 70% fruit. Other ingredients are sugar (sucrose, fructose), water and, if necessary, natural stabilizers such as carob bean gum or apple pectin. Claro, when selecting fruits and fruit purees, we pay attention to the best quality and use a number of fruits and herbs from the region and our company gardens. We work in a way that is close to nature.

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  • Refreshing sorbet not only a pleasure for the summer time

    copyright photo: TATIANA Z / #503076166 -
  • #userlike_chatfenster#