Monin products

Monin syrups and Monin fruit puree mix

Produkte von Monin Monin ist der größte und bekannteste Produzent der erstklassigen Würzen für Getränke. Gegründet 1912 und durch die Monin Familie noch geführt, bietet die Firma eine breite Vielzahl von Aromen.
Monin products Monin syrups and Monin fruit puree mix

Monin is the largest and best-known producer of first-class beverage seasonings. Founded in 1912 and still run by the Monin family, the company offers a wide variety of flavors.

  • History of Monin

    Inspired by taste right from the start

    Georges Monin enjoyed family gatherings where he could experiment with flavor combinations and prepare delicious meals while spending time with those closest to him.
    He was a connoisseur and appreciated the perfection of taste in every way. He decided that if he could find only some living fruit, he could apply his manufacturing knowledge and culinary knowledge to extract that flavor into a liquid that could spice everything from liqueurs to coffee and water. Undeterred, Georges began experimenting with flavors in his home kitchen. And he found a hearty note that lived up to his expectations. He researched and developed a wide range of exciting flavors and syrups. Then Georges Monin started bottling and selling them all over the country. After three generations of Monin, the world is a tasteful place, with a huge selection of the best flavors in the world, available in more than 140 countries.

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