Olive oil from Italy

Olivenöl aus Italien - Aromatisierte Olivenöle
- Native Olivenöle
- Öle aus Abruzzen
- Öle aus Apulien
- Öle aus der Toscana
- Öle aus Ligurien
- Öle aus Sizilien
Olive oil from Italy

- Flavored olive oils
- Virgin olive oils
- Oils from Abruzzo
- Oils from Puglia
- Oils from Tuscany
- Oils from Liguria
- Oils from Sicily

  • Olive oil from Italy

    Italy has around 300 varieties, the most famous of which include Taggiasca, Coratina and Ogliarola. Taggiasca has a very fine olive scent with a mild fruit aroma. The aftertaste is slightly reminiscent of almonds and pine nuts. Liguria is considered the main growing area for this variety. The Coratina variety with its powerful taste is grown in Apulia. As well as the Ogliarola variety with its light herbal scent. The varieties Leccino, Frantoio and Carolea are widespread. The Leccino variety produces a high-quality, mild oil with a sweet aroma. The Carolea variety is characterized by its herbal and slightly spicy taste. And with its slight spiciness it goes well with every vegetable. The Frantoio variety is mainly grown in Tuscany and has a very strong taste of herbs and grasses.