Toast for Cheese - Quince, Pecan and Poppy Seeds, Quince, Pecan and Poppy Seed Toast Bread, The Fine Cheese Company - 100 g - packa

Toast for Cheese - Quince, Pecan and Poppy Seeds, Quince, Pecan and Poppy Seed Toast Bread, The Fine Cheese Company

Utval | Innehall (vikt) | forpackning | Pris EUR
(pris / enhet) | (Utbyte)
Tillganglighet | bast fore datum
artikelnummer: 41267
100 g packa
€ 8,59 *
(€ 85,90 / kg)
VE kop 6 x 100 g packa till nagonsin   € 8,33 *
sista utgangsdatum: 29.04.2025    Ø 90 dagar fran leveransdatum.  ?

Den oblattunna, krispiga toasten bakas med kvitten, pekannotter och vallmofron. Dess smak ar fruktig och notig pa samma gang, en ovanlig kombination. Den smakar sarskilt gott till mjuka, milda ostar som ung Pecorino, Taleggio och Asiago.

Ytterligare information om produkten
Toast for Cheese - Quince, Pecan and Poppy Seeds, Quince, Pecan and Poppy Seed Toast Bread, The Fine Cheese Company - 100 g - packaToast for Cheese - Quince, Pecan and Poppy Seeds, Quince, Pecan and Poppy Seed Toast Bread, The Fine Cheese Company - 100 g - packa